Probleme code haut.php

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J'ai un soucis avec mon code haut.php, je n'ai rien modifier de special, mais mon site n'affiche plus que le logo, et une partie de la barre ou il est ecrit acceuil nouveauté ...

Merci pour votre aide.




if (!defined('IN_PEEL'))


	echo("Tentative de hacking ! <br />Hacking attempt !");



if (!defined('IN_STANDBY'))


	echo "<div align=\"center\" style=\"font-family:tahoma,verdana;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;\"><br /><br />Le site $site est actuellement en cours de maintenance pour quelques minutes.<br /><br />Merci de votre compr&eacute;hension.</div>";



/* Traitement des stocks périmés */

$sqlStockTemp = "SELECT * FROM peel_stocks_temp";

$resStockTemp = mysql_query($sqlStockTemp);

if (mysql_num_rows($resStockTemp) > 0 ) {

	while ($StockTemp = mysql_fetch_array($resStockTemp)) {

		$temps = time();

		$tempsstock = strtotime($StockTemp['o_timestamp']);

		$nbmin=($temps - $tempsstock)/60;//Nombre de jours entre les deux 

		if  ($nbmin > $timemax) {

		mysql_query("DELETE FROM peel_stocks_temp WHERE couleur_id = '".$StockTemp['couleur_id']."' AND taille_id = '".$StockTemp['taille_id']."' AND produit_id = '".$StockTemp['produit_id']."'");





<!doctype html public "-//W3C//Dtd HTML 4.01 transitional//EN">

<html dir="Ltr" lang="fr">




$sql_Meta = "SELECT * FROM peel_meta WHERE id = '1'"; // On initialise, recherche des meta par d&eacute;fault

if (!empty($_GET['catid']) && empty($_GET['id'])) { // Si on est dans une cat&eacute;gorie

$sql_Meta = "SELECT nom_".$_SESSION['langue']." as meta_titre, description_".$_SESSION['langue']." as meta_desc, meta_key FROM peel_categories WHERE id = '".intval($_GET['catid'])."'";

} elseif (!empty($_GET['id'])) { // Si on est dans une fiche produit

$sql_Meta = "SELECT nom_".$_SESSION['langue']." as meta_titre, descriptif_".$_SESSION['langue']." as meta_desc, meta_key FROM peel_produits WHERE id = '".intval($_GET['id'])."'";


$query_Meta = mysql_query($sql_Meta); // Query de la requ&ecirc;te

$m = mysql_fetch_array($query_Meta); // R&eacute;sultant dans un tableau

if (!empty($m['meta_titre'])) { // Si toutes les balises sont remplies

	echo "<title>".trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($m['meta_titre'])))."</title>\n";

	echo "<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"".trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($m['meta_key'])))."\">\n";

	echo "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"".trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($m['meta_desc'])))."\">\n";

} else { // Sinon on utilise les meta par d&eacute;fault

$sql_Meta = "SELECT * FROM peel_meta WHERE id = '1'";

$query_Meta = mysql_query($sql_Meta);

$m = mysql_fetch_array($query_Meta);

	echo "<title>".trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($m['meta_titre'])))."</title>\n";

	echo "<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"".trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($m['meta_key'])))."\">\n";

	echo "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"".trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($m['meta_desc'])))."\">\n";



<meta name="robots" content="All">

<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="french">

<meta name="classification" content="script php">

<meta name="author" content="">

<meta name="publisher" content="">

<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">

<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow, all">

<meta name ="search engines" content="AltaVista, AOLNet, Infoseek, Excite, Hotbot, Lycos, Magellan, LookSmart, CNET, voila, google, yahoo, alltheweb, msn, netscape, nomade, tiscali">

<meta name="Updated" content="daily">

<meta name="revisit-after" content="10 days">

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<base href="<?echo $wwwroot;?>/">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?echo $repertoire_css?>/style.css">

<style type="text/css" media="screen">



$sqlCss = "SELECT * FROM peel_css WHERE id = '1'";

$resCss = mysql_query($sqlCss);

if ($resCss) {

	$Css = mysql_fetch_object($resCss);

	echo "body {\n";

	if (!empty($Css->background)) {echo "background-color: $Css->background;\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->backgroundimage)) {echo "background_images: url('".$repertoire_images."/".$Css->backgroundimage."');\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textsize)) {echo "font-size: $Css->textsize;\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textcolor)) {echo "color: $Css->textcolor;\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textfont)) {echo "font-family: $Css->textfont;\n";}

	echo "}\n";

	if (!empty($Css->textsize)) {echo ".normal { font-size: $Css->textsize;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textcolor)) {echo ".normal { color: $Css->textcolor;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textfont)) {echo ".normal { font-family: $Css->textfont;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textsize)) {echo ".label { font-size: $Css->textsize;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textcolor)) {echo ".label { color: $Css->textcolor;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textfont)) {echo ".label { font-family: $Css->textfont;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textsize)) {echo ".texte { font-size: $Css->textsize;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textcolor)) {echo ".texte { color: $Css->textcolor;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->textfont)) {echo ".texte { font-family: $Css->textfont;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->titresize)) {echo ".titre { font-size: $Css->titresize;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->titrecolor)) {echo ".titre { color: $Css->titrecolor;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->titrefont)) {echo ".titre { font-family: $Css->titrefont;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->tetieresize)) {echo ".tetiere { font-size: $Css->tetieresize;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->tetierecolor)) {echo ".tetiere { color: $Css->tetierecolor;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->tetierefont)) {echo ".tetiere { font-family: $Css->tetierefont;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->tetierebackground)) {echo ".tetiere { background: $Css->tetierebackground;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->tetieresize)) {echo ".entete { font-size: $Css->tetieresize;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->tetierecolor)) {echo ".entete { color: $Css->tetierecolor;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->tetierefont)) {echo ".entete { font-family: $Css->tetierefont;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->tetierebackground)) {echo ".entete { background: $Css->tetierebackground;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->alink)) {echo "a:link { color: $Css->alink;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->vlink)) {echo "a:visited { color: $Css->vlink;}\n";}

	if (!empty($Css->hlink)) {echo "a:hover { color: $Css->hlink;}\n";}





<script language="text/javascript" SRC="<?echo $wwwroot?>/lib/js/filesearchhover.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" SRC="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/js/window.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" SRC="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/js/overlib.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" SRC="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/js/stock.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" SRC="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/js/top.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" SRC="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/js/controle.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" SRC="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/js/ctrl.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" SRC="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/js/csspopup.js"></script>

 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">


 * marks all rows and selects its first checkbox inside the given element

 * the given element is usaly a table or a div containing the table or tables


 * @param	container	DOM element


var marked_row = new Array; 

function markAllRows( container_id ) {

	var rows = document.getElementById(container_id).getElementsByTagName('tr');

	var unique_id;

	var checkbox;

	for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) {

		checkbox = rows[i].getElementsByTagName( 'input' )[0];

		if ( checkbox && checkbox.type == 'checkbox' ) {

			unique_id = + checkbox.value;

			if ( checkbox.disabled == false ) {

				checkbox.checked = true;

				if ( typeof(marked_row[unique_id]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[unique_id] ) {

					rows[i].className += ' marked';

					marked_row[unique_id] = true;





	return true;



 * marks all rows and selects its first checkbox inside the given element

 * the given element is usaly a table or a div containing the table or tables


 * @param	container	DOM element


function unMarkAllRows( container_id ) {

	var rows = document.getElementById(container_id).getElementsByTagName('tr');

	var unique_id;

	var checkbox;

	for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) {

		checkbox = rows[i].getElementsByTagName( 'input' )[0];

		if ( checkbox && checkbox.type == 'checkbox' ) {

			unique_id = + checkbox.value;

			checkbox.checked = false;

			rows[i].className = rows[i].className.replace(' marked', '');

			marked_row[unique_id] = false;



	return true;



<script type="text/javascript">

function gotobrand(ident){



function gotocategorie(ident){





$background = "#FFFFFF"; 

/* Fonction qui va chercher la couleur de la catégorie */

if (!empty($_GET['catid'])) {

	$sqlBack = "SELECT color FROM peel_categories WHERE id = '".intval($_GET['catid'])."'";

	$resBack = mysql_query($sqlBack);

	if (mysql_num_rows($resBack) > 0) {

		$Back = mysql_fetch_object($resBack);

		if (!empty($Back->color)) {$background = $Back->color;}






<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>

<div align="center">

<table border="0" width="960" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="white">


	<td align="left" valign="top" class="entetetitre">

	 	<div style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;">


		  if (!empty($logo)) {


		  <a href="index.php"><img align="middle" src="<?echo $logo ?>" alt="<?echo $site ?>" border="0"></a>


		  } else {

		  echo $site;







	  <td bgcolor="#666666">

	 <ul id="menudyn">

		  <li id="nav-1"><a href="index.php"><?echo HOME ?></a></li>

		<li id="nav-2"><a href="achat/new.php"><?echo NEWS ?></a></li>

		<li id="nav-3"><a href="achat/special.php"><?echo SPECIAL ?></a></li>

<?php menu_vente_flash()?>

		  <li id="nav-4"><a href="compte.php"><?echo COMPTE ?></a></li>

		  <li id="nav-5"><a href="utilisateurs/contact.php"><?echo CONTACT ?></a></li>

		  <li id="nav-6"><a href="achat/caddie_affichage.php"><?echo CADDIE ?></a></li>


		if (est_identifie()) {

			echo "<li id=\"nav-7\"><a href=>".HELLO."&nbsp;".stripslashes($_SESSION['utilisateur']['prenom']) . " " . stripslashes($_SESSION['utilisateur']['nom_famille'])."</a></li>"; 

			echo "<li id=\"nav-8\"><a class=\"menudyn\" href=\"$wwwroot/sortie.php\">".DECONNECT."</a></li>";

		} else {

			echo "<li id=\"nav-7\"><a class=\"menudyn\" href=\"$wwwroot/membre.php\">".LOGIN."</a></li>";

			echo "<li id=\"nav-8\"><a class=\"menudyn\" href=\"$wwwroot/utilisateurs/enregistrement.php\">".REGISTER."</a></li>";



		<li id="nav-9"><a href="sitemap.php" class="normal"><?Echo SITEMAP?></a></li>

		<li id="nav-10"><a href="search.php" class="normal"><?Echo SEARCH?></li>





	  <td style="padding:5px;">

	<form method="GET" action="achat/recherche.php" name="recherche">

				<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


					<td class="normal">

					  <?echo SEARCH?> : <input class="formulaire1" type="text" name="motclef" size="15" value="<?echo vb script:gotocategorie(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">

		<option><?echo SEARCH_CATEGORY ?></option>


		$sql_cat = "SELECT * FROM peel_categories WHERE etat = '1' ORDER BY nom_".$_SESSION['langue']."";

		$res_cat = mysql_query($sql_cat);

		if (mysql_num_rows($res_cat) > 0) {

			while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($res_cat)) {

			echo "<option value=\"".$cat['id']."\">".stripslashes($cat['nom_'.$_SESSION['langue'].''])."</option>";






<td align="left" class="normal" >

					<select name="brand" class="formulaire1" onChange="java script:gotobrand(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">

						<option value=""><?echo SEARCH_BRAND;?></option>


						$resBrand = mysql_query("SELECT id, nom_".$_SESSION['langue']." as nom FROM peel_marques WHERE etat = '1' ORDER BY position");

						if($resBrand) {

							if (mysql_num_rows($resBrand)) {

								while($Brand = mysql_fetch_array($resBrand)) {

									if (!empty($Brand['nom'])) {

									echo "<option value=\"brand=".$Brand['id']."\"";

									echo ">".html_entity_decode($Brand['nom'])."</option>";









<a href=<?echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?langue=fr><img src="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/flag/fr.gif" border="0" width="18" height="12"></a>

&nbsp;<a href=<?echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?langue=en><img src="<?=$wwwroot?>/lib/flag/gb.gif" border="0" width="18" height="12"></a>







<!--style="border:1px solid #E9EBEA;"-->

<table border="0" width="960" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"  bgcolor="white">


	<td width="220" valign="top" class="normal">

<!-- CADDIE -->	

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="220" style="border-top:1px solid #EEEEEE;border-left:1px solid #EEEEEE;border-right:1px solid #EEEEEE;padding-top:6px;padding-left:6px ">

  <tr><td class="normal" width="220">


	echo "<div class=\"entete\"><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/fleche.gif\">&nbsp;".CADDIE."</div>";

						if ($_SESSION['caddie']->compte_elements() != 0) { 

						echo "<table width=\"190\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";

						foreach ($_SESSION['caddie']->articles as $i => $produitid) {

						$resProd = mysql_query("SELECT nom_".$_SESSION['langue']." as nom FROM peel_produits WHERE id = '".$produitid."'");

						$Prod = mysql_fetch_object($resProd);

						$nom = html_entity_decode($Prod->nom);

						/*$nom = substr($nom, 0, 150); 

						$nom = substr_replace($nom,'...',-3);*/

						echo "<tr><td class=\"petit\" colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"achat/produit_details.php?id=".$produitid."\" class=\"petit\">".$nom."</a></td></tr><tr><td class=\"petit\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #6b6b6b;\">Qte : ".$_SESSION['caddie']->quantite[$i]."</td><td class=\"petit\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #6b6b6b;\">".fprix($_SESSION['caddie']->total_prix[$i])." &euro;</td></tr>";


						echo "</tr>";

					if ($_SESSION['caddie']->total > 0) {

					echo (!empty($_SESSION['caddie']->cout_transport)) ? "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"label\">TRANSPORT : ".fprix($_SESSION['caddie']->cout_transport)." &euro;</td></tr>" : "";

					echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"label\">TOTAL : ".fprix($_SESSION['caddie']->total)." &euro;</td></tr>";


					echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><a class=\"label\" href=\"achat/caddie_affichage.php\">".ORDER."</a></td></tr>";

					echo "</table>";

						if (vn($_SESSION['utilisateur']['remise_percent']) > 0) { 

							echo REMISE." : ".$_SESSION['utilisateur']['remise_percent']." %"; 


					} else { 

							echo EMPTY_CADDIE;	



<!-- FIN DE CADDIE -->		



<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="220" style="border-top:1px solid #EEEEEE;border-left:1px solid #EEEEEE;border-right:1px solid #EEEEEE;padding-top:6px;padding-left:6px;padding-bottom:6px;">

  <tr><td class="normal" width="220">


  echo "<div class=\"entete\"><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/fleche.gif\">&nbsp;".CATALOG."</div>";

	if (!isset($_GET['catid'])) { $catid = 0; } else {$catid = $_GET['catid']; }

	$frm['parent'] = array($catid);

	construit_menu_arborescent_cat($categorie_options, $frm['parent']);

	echo "<div style=\"padding:3px\">".$categorie_options."</div>";




<!-- FIN PRODUIT -->


<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="220" style="border:1px solid #EEEEEE;padding-top:6px;padding-left:6px;padding-bottom:6px;">

  <tr><td class="normal" width="220">


  echo "<div class=\"entete\"><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/fleche.gif\">&nbsp;".GUIDE."</div>";

	if (!isset($_GET['rubid'])) { $rubid = 0; } else {$rubid = intval($_GET['rubid']); }

	$frm['parent'] = array($rubid);

	construit_menu_arborescent_rub($rubrique_options, $frm['parent']);

	echo "<div style=\"padding:3px\">".$rubrique_options;

	echo "<br /><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/menminus.gif\" alt=\"\" /> <a href=\"$wwwroot/cgv.php\" class=\"normal\">Conditions de vente</a>";

	echo "<br /><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/menminus.gif\" alt=\"\" /> <a href=\"$wwwroot/contacts.php\" class=\"normal\">Contacts</a>";

	if ($statusparrain == 1) {

	echo "<br /><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/menminus.gif\" alt=\"\" /> <a href=\"$wwwroot/parrain.php\" class=\"normal\">Conditions de parrainage</a>";


	if ($statusaffiliate == 1) {

	echo "<br /><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/menminus.gif\" alt=\"\" /> <a href=\"$wwwroot/affiliation.php\" class=\"normal\">Conditions d'affiliation</a>";


	echo "</div>";




 <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="220" style="border:1px solid #EEEEEE;padding-top:6px;padding-left:6px;padding-bottom:6px;">

 <tr><td class="normal" width="220" valign="top">


  echo "<div class=\"entete\"><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/fleche.gif\">&nbsp;".GIFT_CATALOGUE."</div>";

  echo "<br />- <a href=achat/catalogue_cadeaux.php>".LOOK_CATALOGUE."</a>";

  if (est_identifie()) {

	  echo "<br /><br />- ".MY_GIFT_POINT." : ".$_SESSION['utilisateur']['points'];





<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="220" style="border:1px solid #EEEEEE;padding-top:6px;padding-left:6px;padding-bottom:6px;">

  <tr><td class="normal" width="220">


	echo "<div class=\"entete\"><img src=\"$wwwroot/images/fleche.gif\">&nbsp;".ADHESION."</div>";

	if ($statusretail == 1) {

		echo "<br /><li><a href=\"$wwwroot/utilisateurs/retailer.php\" class=\"normal\">".RETAILER."</a></li>";  


	if ($statusaffiliate == 1) {

		echo "<li><a href=\"$wwwroot/utilisateurs/affiliate.php\" class=\"normal\">".AFFILIATE."</a></li><br />";  


	if (est_identifie()) {

					if (a_priv("admin")) {

						echo "<li><a href=\"administrer/index.php\" class=\"label\">ADMINISTRER LE SITE</a></li>";







	<td width="100%" valign="top" class="normal" bgcolor="<?echo $background;?>">

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arf; on peux voir un lien ?

as tu modifier la mise en page ou le css

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Bonjour Paulana,

Merci de d'intéresser a mon problème.

Voici un screenshot du problème, car le site est inaxesible avec le haut.php, j'ai du remettre celui d'origine.



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peux tu nous dire quelles lignes tu as modifiées ?

On dirait que tu as oublié de refermer ou d'ouvrir une balise de la table <tr> ou <td>

Si tu sais dis nous tes modifs et on t'aidera de maniere plus rapide je pense.


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