generer des vignettes sur achat index

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bonjour, :(

je travaille actuellement sur une boutique ou il y à beaucoup de produits par catégories.

Je voudrais donc générer des vignettes sur achat/index.php

J'ai le code suivant :


// ---- function to rotate and merge the RGB and Alpha Channels

// adapted from jon at driestone dot com

function alpha_rotate($src_RGB, $src_alpha, $angle, $PNGsupport){

	   global $r0, $g0, $b0;

	   if($angle != 0) {

		 $src_RGB = imagerotate($src_RGB, $angle, 0x000000);

		 $src_alpha = imagerotate($src_alpha, $angle, 0x000000);


	   imagealphablending($src_RGB, false);

	   for ($theX=0;$theX<imagesx($src_RGB);$theX++){

		   for ($theY=0;$theY<imagesy($src_RGB);$theY++){

			   $rgb = imagecolorat($src_RGB,$theX,$theY);

			   $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;

			   $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;

			   $b = $rgb & 0xFF;

			   $rgb = imagecolorat($src_alpha,$theX,$theY);

			   $a = $rgb & 0xFF;

			   $a = 127-floor($a/2);

			   $t = $a/128.0;

			   if($PNGsupport) {

				 $myColour = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_RGB,$r,$g,$b,$a);

			   } else {

				 $myColour = imagecolorallocate($src_RGB,$r*(1.0-$t)+$r0*$t,$g*(1.0-$t)+$g0*$t,$b*(1.0-$t)+$b0*$t);


			   imagesetpixel($src_RGB, $theX, $theY, $myColour);	



	   return $src_RGB;


// -- test for PNG transparency support, ie if the browser is MicroSoft Internet Explorer version <7 --

$PNGsupport = true;

$Browser = $HTTP_USER_AGENT;

if(!$Browser) $Browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

if (ereg ( 'MSIE ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', $Browser,$log_version) ) {

  if($log_version[1] < 7) $PNGsupport = false;


// --- Cache ---

$cache_directory = "cache";  // specify the cache directory - make sure it has writing authorization

$use_cache = false;  // set to true or false, whether you'd like to cache the thumbnails or not

// --- parameters ---

$filename = $_REQUEST['file'];  // name of the file containing the source image

$max_h = $_REQUEST['150'];   // maximal wanted horizontal size

$max_v = $_REQUEST['150'];   // maximal wanted vertical size

$flou = $_REQUEST['flou']; // distance of blur

$r = $_REQUEST['0'];  // angle to rotate the image

$d = $_REQUEST['20'];  // distance of the shadow

$a = $_REQUEST['45'];  // angle of the shadow

$b = $_REQUEST['10'];  // thickness of border

$c = $_REQUEST['c'];  // whether the picture should be cached

if(!$max_h) $max_h = 150;

if(!$max_v) $max_v = 150;

if(!$a) $a = 45;

if(!$d) $d = $flou*0.25;

if(!$flou) $flou = 10;

if($c) $use_cache = true;

$flou_h = $flou;

$flou_v = $flou;

$dist_h = $d * cos(deg2rad($a+$r));

$dist_v = $d * sin(deg2rad($a+$r));

// --- background colour (in case PNG transparency not supported) ---

$r0 = $_REQUEST['r0'];

$g0 = $_REQUEST['g0'];

$b0 = $_REQUEST['b0'];

if(!$r0) $r0 = 255; // default background colour is white

if(!$g0) $g0 = 255;

if(!$b0) $b0 = 255;

if($filename && file_exists($filename)) {

  $md5 = md5_file($filename);

  if($PNGsupport) {

	$cached_file = $md5.".png";

  } else {

	$cached_file = $md5.".jpg";


  if( file_exists($cache_directory.$cached_file) && $use_cache) {



  else {

	if(substr($filename,-4,4)==".jpg") {

	  $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);


	if(substr($filename,-4,4)==".png") {

	  $image = imagecreatefrompng($filename);


	$src_size = getimagesize($filename);

	$h = $src_size[0];

	$v = $src_size[1];

	if($v * $max_h - $h * $max_v < 0)

	{ $wanted_h = $max_h; $wanted_v = $v*($max_h/$h); }


	{ $wanted_v = $max_v; $wanted_h = $h*($max_v/$v);  }

	$thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($wanted_h-2*$b, $wanted_v-2*b);

	imagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $wanted_h-2*$b, $wanted_v-2*$b, $h, $v);

	if(!$flou_h) $flou_h = 10; 

	if(!$flou_v) $flou_v = 10;

	// ---- RGB ----

	$rgb = imagecreatetruecolor($wanted_h+$flou_h,$wanted_v+$flou_v);

	$colour = imagecolorallocate($rgb, 0, 0, 0);

	imagefilledrectangle($rgb, 0, 0, $wanted_h+$flou_h, $wanted_v+$flou_v, $colour);

	$colour = imagecolorallocate($rgb, 255, 255, 255);

	imagefilledrectangle($rgb, $flou_h*0.5-$dist_h, $flou_v*0.5-$dist_v, $wanted_h+$flou_h*0.5-$dist_h, $wanted_v+$flou_h*0.5-$dist_v, $colour);

	imagecopymerge($rgb, $thumbnail, 1+$b + $flou_h*0.5-$dist_h, 1+$b + $flou_v*0.5-$dist_v, 0,0, $wanted_h-2*$b, $wanted_v-2*$b, 100);

	// ---- Ombre (alpha) ----

	$ombre = imagecreatetruecolor($wanted_h+$flou_h,$wanted_v+$flou_v);

	imagealphablending($ombre, false);

	$colour = imagecolorallocate($ombre, 0, 0, 0);

	imagefilledrectangle($ombre, 0, 0, $wanted_h+$flou_h, $wanted_v+$flou_v, $colour);

	$nStep = 30; // this parameter can be increased for better smoothness

	for($i=0;$i<=$nStep;$i++) {

	  $t = ((1.0*$i)/$nStep);

	  $intensity = 255*$t*$t;

	  $colour = imagecolorallocate($ombre, $intensity, $intensity, $intensity);

	  $points = array(

		   $flou_h*$t,				$flou_v,	 // Point 1 (x, y)

		   $flou_h,				   $flou_v*$t,  // Point 2 (x, y)

		   $wanted_h,				 $flou_v*$t,  // Point 3 (x, y)

		   $wanted_h+$flou_h*(1-$t),  $flou_v,	 // Point 4 (x, y)

		   $wanted_h+$flou_h*(1-$t),  $wanted_v,  // Point 5 (x, y)

		   $wanted_h,				 $wanted_v+$flou_v*(1-$t),  // Point 6 (x, y)

		   $flou_h,				   $wanted_v+$flou_v*(1-$t),  // Point 7 (x, y)

		   $flou_h*$t,				$wanted_v   // Point 8 (x, y)


	  imagepolygon($ombre, $points, 8, $colour);


	for($i=0;$i<=$nStep;$i++) {

	  $t = ((1.0*$i)/$nStep);

	  $intensity = 255*$t*$t;

	  $colour = imagecolorallocate($ombre, $intensity, $intensity, $intensity);

	  imagefilledarc($ombre, $flou_h-1, $flou_v-1, 2*(1-$t)*$flou_h, 2*(1-$t)*$flou_v, 180, 268, $colour, IMG_ARC_PIE);

	  imagefilledarc($ombre, $wanted_h, $flou_v-1, 2*(1-$t)*$flou_h, 2*(1-$t)*$flou_v, 270, 358, $colour, IMG_ARC_PIE);

	  imagefilledarc($ombre, $wanted_h, $wanted_v, 2*(1-$t)*$flou_h, 2*(1-$t)*$flou_v, 0, 90, $colour, IMG_ARC_PIE);

	  imagefilledarc($ombre, $flou_h-1, $wanted_v, 2*(1-$t)*$flou_h, 2*(1-$t)*$flou_v, 90, 180, $colour, IMG_ARC_PIE);


	$colour = imagecolorallocate($ombre, 255, 255, 255);

	imagefilledrectangle($ombre, $flou_h, $flou_v, $wanted_h, $wanted_v, $colour);

	imagefilledrectangle($ombre, $flou_h*0.5-$dist_h, $flou_v*0.5-$dist_v, $wanted_h+$flou_h*0.5-1-$dist_h, $wanted_v+$flou_v*0.5-1-$dist_v, $colour);

	$rgb = alpha_rotate($rgb, $ombre, $r, $PNGsupport);

	imagealphablending($rgb, true);

	imagesavealpha($rgb, true);

	// deliver image and also write the cached file

	if($PNGsupport) {

	  header("Content-type: image/png");


	  if($use_cache) imagepng($rgb, $cache_directory.$cached_file);

	} else {

	  header("Content-type: image/jpg");


	  if($use_cache) imagejpeg($rgb, $cache_directory.$cached_file);







} else {

  //echo "File not found";



je voudrais savoir :

- quel dossier mettre en cache? (upload, ou un nouveau dossier)

- pour le filename, puis-je mettre : <?php echo $repertoire_images?>/<?php echo $prod['image1'] ?>

merci de votre aide ! :)

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