[Tutorial] Migration de toute version PEEL SHOPPING vers 6.4

Par Gilles Boussin dans PEEL SHOPPING : logiciel open source de boutique en ligne,
* Pour migrer d'une version 6.0.4, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2, 6.3 vers 6.4:

Si vous avez touché au code de votre site : alors vous pouvez vous inspirer de ce qui suit mais faites attention de ne pas perdre vos modifications. Ou faites appel au service commercial de PEEL au 01 75 43 67 97 pour que nous vous aidions à migrer votre site.

Si vous n'avez pas touché au code PHP :
- faites un backup complet du code de votre boutique
- téléchargez le zip
- dézippez le fichier et supprimez "/lib/setup/info.inc.php", "/installation/" et si vous n'avez pas un modèle totalement standard : supprimez aussi "/modeles/peel6/"
- mettez tous ces fichiers à la place de ceux de votre boutique
- exécutez les lignes de SQL indiquée ci-après :

ALTER TABLE `peel_admins_actions` CHANGE `remarque` `remarque` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_admins_comments` CHANGE `id_user` `id_user` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',CHANGE `admin_id` `admin_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',CHANGE `timestamp` `timestamp` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_admins_contacts_planified` CHANGE `user_id` `user_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',CHANGE `admin_id` `admin_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',CHANGE `timestamp` `timestamp` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',CHANGE `reason` `reason` ENUM( '', 'interesting_profile', 'interested_by_product', 'payment_expected', 'follow_up' ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_butterflive` CHANGE `value` `value` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_banniere` CHANGE `position` `position` SMALLINT( 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_articles` ADD `technical_code` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_attributs` ADD `technical_code` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_avis` CHANGE `pseudo` `pseudo` VARCHAR( 64 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes` CHANGE `paiement` `paiement` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',CHANGE `transport` `transport` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes` ADD `typeId` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_continents` CHANGE `id` `id` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `peel_continents` CHANGE `id` `id` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `peel_categories` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_couleurs` ADD `mandatory` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_attributs` ADD `mandatory` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_devises` CHANGE `code` `code` VARCHAR( 3 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_html` CHANGE `lang` `lang` VARCHAR( 2 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_newsletter` ADD `template_technical_code` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_paiement` ADD `tarif_percent` float(5,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000';
ALTER TABLE `peel_meta` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_nom_attributs` ADD `mandatory` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_nom_attributs` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_profil` CHANGE `document` `document` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_societe` ADD `adresse2` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_societe` ADD `code_postal2` varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_societe` ADD `ville2` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_societe` ADD `tel2` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_societe` ADD `fax2` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_societe` ADD `pays2` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` CHANGE `template_multipage` `template_multipage` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default_1';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` CHANGE `facebook_page_link` `facebook_page_link` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default_1';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` CHANGE `small_width` `small_width` SMALLINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '160',CHANGE `small_height` `small_height` SMALLINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '160',CHANGE `medium_width` `medium_width` SMALLINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '300',CHANGE `medium_height` `medium_height` SMALLINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '300';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` CHANGE `facebook_connect` `facebook_connect` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CHANGE `fb_appid` `fb_appid` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',CHANGE `fb_secret` `fb_secret` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',CHANGE `fb_baseurl` `fb_baseurl` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `default_picture` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'image_defaut_peel.png';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `module_conditionnement` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `payment_status_decrement_stock` varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '3', ADD `keep_old_orders_intact` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` DROP INDEX `nom_fr` ,ADD INDEX `nom_fr` ( `nom_fr` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` DROP INDEX `nom_en` ,ADD INDEX `nom_en` ( `nom_en` );
ALTER TABLE `peel_utilisateurs` ADD `fonction` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_utilisateurs` ADD `activity` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_utilisateurs` ADD `on_client_module` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_utilisateurs` ADD `email_bounce` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_utilisateurs` ADD `on_photodesk` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_rubriques` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_tailles` ADD `mandatory` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_zones` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
INSERT INTO `peel_profil` (`name` ,`priv`) VALUES ('Newsletter', 'newsletter');
INSERT INTO `peel_profil` (`name`, `priv`) VALUES
('Administrateur Contenu', 'admin_content'),
('Administrateur Ventes', 'admin_sales'),
('Administrateur Produits', 'admin_products'),
('Administrateur Webmastering', 'admin_webmastering'),
('Administrateur Modération', 'admin_moderation');

-- ATTENTION : CE SCRIPT CONTIENT UNE SUPPRESSION DE LA TABLE peel_pays. Ceci est nécessaire pour l'intégration de l'association des continents et de la table peel_pays.
-- Lisez les commentaires pour d'autres options. ALTER TABLE `peel_produits` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `peel_categories` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `peel_nom_attributs` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `peel_attributs` ADD `technical_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL;

ALTER TABLE `peel_banniere` ADD `id_categorie` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,ADD `height` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD `width` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD `extra_javascript` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD `appearance` enum('FIRST_PAGE_ONLY','ALL_BUT_FIRST','ALL') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FIRST_PAGE_ONLY', ADD `rang` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `etat` `etat` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_nom_attributs` ADD `upload` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `etat` `etat` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `texte_libre` `texte_libre` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `module_precedent_suivant` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',ADD `module_flash` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `popup_width` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '260', ADD `quotation_delay` varchar(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '6 mois', ADD `in_category` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `popup_height` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '130', ADD `vailability_of_carrier` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `facebook_connect` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `fb_appid` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `fb_secret` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `fb_baseurl` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `template_multipage` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default_1', ADD `auto_promo` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `logo` `logo_fr` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD `logo_en` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD `category_order_on_catalog` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `module_cart_preservation` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', ADD `module_vacances` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `module_vacances_type` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `module_vacances_client_msg_fr` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD `favicon` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD `rueducommerce_mmid` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD `module_vacances_client_msg_en` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CHANGE `mode_transport` `mode_transport` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' , CHANGE `admin_force_ssl` `admin_force_ssl` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `act_on_top` `act_on_top` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `display_prices_with_taxes` `display_prices_with_taxes` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' , CHANGE `allow_add_product_with_no_stock_in_cart` `allow_add_product_with_no_stock_in_cart` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `html_editor` `html_editor` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `display_prices_with_taxes_in_admin` `display_prices_with_taxes_in_admin` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' , CHANGE `type_rollover` `type_rollover` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2' , ADD `module_vacances_fournisseur` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ;

UPDATE `peel_sites` SET `template_multipage` = 'default_1' WHERE `id` = 1;
-- L'état d'utilisateur n'était pas géré sur les versions antérieur de peel, mais un champ était présent et à 0 par défaut

UPDATE `peel_utilisateurs` SET `etat` = 1;

ALTER TABLE `peel_societe` CHANGE `tel` `tel` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `fax` `fax` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` CHANGE `module_captcha` `module_captcha` tinyint(0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', ADD `global_remise_percent` float(15,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
ALTER TABLE `peel_types` ADD `etat` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

INSERT INTO `peel_html` (lang, contenu_html, etat, titre, o_timestamp, a_timestamp, emplacement) VALUES
('fr','<p>Bas de page de la boutique personnalisable dans lequel on peut insérer des liens (footer_link)</p>', 1, 'Liens du Footer', '2011-08-17 12:53:04', '2011-08-17 12:00:28', 'footer_link'),
('fr','<h2>La page demandée n''est pas disponible</h2><br />', 1, 'Page d\'erreur 404', '2011-07-11 11:53:04', '2011-07-11 12:00:28', 'error404'),
('en','<h2>This page is not found</h2><br />', 1, 'Error 404 page content', '2011-07-11 11:53:04', '2011-07-11 12:00:28', 'error404');
INSERT INTO `peel_modules` (`technical_code`, `location`, `display_mode`, `position`, `etat`, `title_fr`, `title_en`) VALUES ('paiement_secu', 'left', 'sideblocktitle', 2, 0, 'Paiement sécurisé', 'Secure payment');
ALTER TABLE `peel_utilisateurs` ADD `project_date_forecasted` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' , ADD `project_product_proposed` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD `promo` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT'' , ADD `id_cat_1` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , ADD `id_cat_2` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , ADD `id_cat_3` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , ADD `commercial_contact_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0' , ADD `project_budget_ht` float(15,5) DEFAULT '0' , ADD `project_chances_estimated` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD `logo` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' , ADD `ad_insert_delay` enum('max', 'medium', 'min') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'max' , ADD `lang` varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD `on_vacances` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , ADD `on_vacances_date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' , ADD `seg_buy` enum('no','one_old','one_recent','multi_old','multi_recent','no_info') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no_info' , ADD `seg_want` enum('min_contact','max_contact','no_matter','no_info') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no_info' , ADD `seg_think` enum('never_budget','no_budget','unsatisfied','satisfied','not_interested','interested','newbie','no_matter','no_info') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no_info' , ADD `seg_followed` enum('no','poor','correct','no_info') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no_info' , ADD `seg_who` enum('independant','partner','company_small','company_medium','company_big','person','no_info') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no_info', ADD `id_salerepresentative` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `etat` `etat` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', ADD `Valid` enum('NO','YES','AGENT','PROSP') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'YES', CHANGE `newsletter` `newsletter` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' , ADD `next_contact_reason` enum('','renewal_expected','payment_expected','planified','commercial_action','usual') NULL DEFAULT '' , CHANGE `commercial` `commercial` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' , CHANGE `cnil` `cnil` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' , ADD `Admis` enum('NO','OK') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'OK';;

ALTER TABLE `peel_pays` ADD `continent_id` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `risque_pays` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

ALTER TABLE `peel_modules` ADD `in_home` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_codes_promos` ADD `nb_used_per_client` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `remise_percent` `remise_percent` float(15,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00';
ALTER TABLE `peel_produits` ADD `nb_ref_produits` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `on_ref_produit` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',ADD `nb_view` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `ean_code` VARCHAR(13) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CHANGE `display_price_by_weight` `display_price_by_weight` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `prix_promo` `prix_promo` float(15,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE `promotion` `promotion` float(15,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE `affiche_stock` `affiche_stock` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `etat_stock` `etat_stock` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `comments` `comments` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

ALTER TABLE `peel_zones` ADD `on_franco_amount` float(15,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000', ADD on_franco_nb_products tinyint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE `peel_newsletter` ADD `message_en` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD `sujet_en` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD `message_fr` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD `sujet_fr` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , DROP COLUMN `message`, DROP COLUMN `sujet`;

ALTER TABLE `peel_utilisateurs_codes_promos` CHANGE `utilise` `utilise` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;

ALTER TABLE `peel_profil` ADD `document` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD `description_document` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ;
INSERT INTO `peel_profil` (`name`, `priv`) VALUES ('Revendeur certified', 'reve_certif');

ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes_articles` CHANGE `statut` `statut` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;
ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes` CHANGE `affilie` `affilie` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `points_etat` `points_etat` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `statut_affilie` `statut_affilie` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `zone_tva` `zone_tva` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `zone_franco` `zone_franco` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;
ALTER TABLE `peel_categories` CHANGE `on_carrousel` `on_carrousel` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `type_affichage` `type_affichage` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;
ALTER TABLE `peel_tarifs` CHANGE `type` `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;
ALTER TABLE `peel_pensebete` CHANGE `date_insertion` `date_insertion` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' , CHANGE `id_produit` `id_produit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , CHANGE `id_utilisateur` `id_utilisateur` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;
ALTER TABLE `peel_etatstock` CHANGE `valeur` `valeur` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;

-- Structure de la table `peel_webmail`
`titre` text NOT NULL,
`message` text NOT NULL,
`email` text NOT NULL,
`nom` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`prenom` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`telephone` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
`heure` text NOT NULL,
`ip` text NOT NULL,
`id_user` int(11) NOT NULL,
`commande_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`dispo` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

-- Structure de la table `peel_admins_contacts_planified`
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `peel_admins_contacts_planified` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`admin_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`timestamp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`reason` enum('','interesting_profile','interested_by_product','payment_expected','follow_up') NOT NULL,
`comments` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `peel_admins_actions` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`id_user` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`id_membre` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`data` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`raison` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`remarque` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
KEY `id_user` (`id_user`),
KEY `id_membre` (`id_membre`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `peel_utilisateur_connexions` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`user_login` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`user_ip` int(15) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
KEY `user_login` (`user_login`(2)),
KEY `date` (`date`)

`id_user` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`service` enum('','support','commercial','comptabilite','referencement','informatique','communication','marketing','direction','externe') NOT NULL,
`todo_text` text NOT NULL,
`keyyo_line` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`etat` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
KEY `id_user` (`id_user`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `peel_admins_comments` (
`id_user` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`admin_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`timestamp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`comments` text NOT NULL,
KEY `id_user` (`id_user`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `peel_continents` (
`id` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`name_fr` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`name_en` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

-- Contenu de la table `peel_continents`

INSERT INTO `peel_continents` (`id`, `name_fr`, `name_en`) VALUES
(1, 'Afrique', 'Africa'),
(2, 'Amérique', 'Americas'),
(3, 'Asie', 'Asia'),
(4, 'Europe', 'Europe'),
(5, 'Océanie', 'Oceania'),
(6, 'Antartique', 'Antartic');

DROP TABLE peel_pays;

-- Structure de la table `peel_pays`

`continent_id` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL,
`lang` varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`nom_fr` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`nom_en` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`pays_fr` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`pays_en` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`flag` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`zone` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`etat` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`iso` varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`iso3` varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`iso_num` smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`devise` varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`position` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`risque_pays` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
KEY `nom_fr` (`nom_fr`),
KEY `nom_en` (`nom_en`),
KEY `position` (`position`)

-- Contenu de la table `peel_pays`

INSERT INTO `peel_pays` (`id`, `continent_id`, `lang`, `nom_fr`, `nom_en`, `pays_fr`, `pays_en`, `flag`, `zone`, `etat`, `iso`, `iso3`, `iso_num`, `devise`, `position`, `risque_pays`) VALUES
(1, 4, 'fr', '', '', 'France', 'France', 'fr.gif', 1, 1, 'FR', 'FRA', 250, 'EUR', 79, 0),
(2, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Afghanistan', 'Afghanistan', 'af.gif', 4, 1, 'AF', 'AFG', 4, 'AFA', 1, 0),
(3, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Afrique du sud', 'South Africa', 'za.gif', 4, 1, 'ZA', 'ZAF', 710, 'ZAR', 2, 0),
(4, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Albanie', 'Albania', 'al.gif', 4, 1, 'AL', 'ALB', 8, 'ALL', 3, 0),
(5, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Algérie', 'Algeria', 'dz.gif', 4, 1, 'DZ', 'DZA', 12, 'DZD', 4, 0),
(6, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Allemagne', 'Germany', 'de.gif', 3, 1, 'DE', 'DEU', 276, 'EUR', 5, 0),
(7, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Arabie saoudite', 'Saudi Arabia', 'sa.gif', 4, 1, 'SA', 'SAU', 682, 'SAR', 12, 0),
(8, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Argentine', 'Argentina', 'ar.gif', 4, 1, 'AR', 'ARG', 32, 'ARS', 13, 0),
(9, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Australie', 'Australia', 'au.gif', 4, 1, 'AU', 'AUS', 36, 'AUD', 16, 0),
(10, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Autriche', 'Austria', 'at.gif', 3, 1, 'AT', 'AUT', 40, 'EUR', 21, 0),
(11, 4, 'fr', '', '', 'Belgique', 'Belgium', 'be.gif', 3, 1, 'BE', 'BEL', 56, 'EUR', 27, 0),
(12, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Brésil', 'Brazil', 'br.gif', 4, 1, 'BR', 'BRA', 76, 'BRL', 36, 0),
(13, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Bulgarie', 'Bulgaria', 'bg.gif', 3, 1, 'BG', 'BGR', 100, 'BGN', 38, 0),
(14, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Canada', 'Canada', 'ca.gif', 4, 1, 'CA', 'CAN', 124, 'CAD', 43, 0),
(15, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Chili', 'Chile', 'cl.gif', 4, 1, 'CL', 'CHL', 152, 'CLP', 47, 0),
(16, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Chine (Rép. pop.)', 'China', 'cn.gif', 4, 1, 'CN', 'CHN', 156, 'CNY', 48, 0),
(17, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Colombie', 'Colombia', 'co.gif', 4, 1, 'CO', 'COL', 170, 'COP', 50, 0),
(18, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Corée du Sud', 'Korea (Republic of) (South)', 'kr.gif', 4, 1, 'KR', 'KOR', 410, 'KRW', 56, 0),
(19, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Costa Rica', 'Costa Rica', 'cr.gif', 4, 1, 'CR', 'CRI', 188, 'CRC', 57, 0),
(20, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Croatie', 'Croatia', 'hr.gif', 4, 1, 'HR', 'HRV', 191, 'HRK', 59, 0),
(21, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Danemark', 'Denmark', 'dk.gif', 3, 1, 'DK', 'DNK', 208, 'DKK', 61, 0),
(22, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Egypte', 'Egypt', 'eg.gif', 4, 1, 'EG', 'EGY', 818, 'EGP', 65, 0),
(23, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Emirats arabes unis', 'United Arab Emirates', 'ae.gif', 4, 1, 'AE', 'ARE', 784, 'AED', 67, 0),
(24, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Equateur', 'Ecuador', 'ec.gif', 4, 1, 'EC', 'ECU', 218, 'USD', 68, 0),
(25, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Etats-Unis', 'USA (United States of America)', 'us.gif', 4, 1, 'US', 'USA', 840, 'USD', 72, 0),
(26, 2, 'en', '', '', 'El Salvador', 'El Salvador', 'sv.gif', 4, 1, 'SV', 'SLV', 222, 'USD', 66, 0),
(27, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Espagne', 'Spain', 'es.gif', 3, 1, 'ES', 'ESP', 724, 'EUR', 70, 0),
(28, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Finlande', 'Finland', 'fi.gif', 3, 1, 'FI', 'FIN', 246, 'EUR', 78, 0),
(29, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Grèce', 'Greece', 'gr.gif', 3, 1, 'GR', 'GRC', 300, 'EUR', 95, 0),
(30, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Hong Kong', 'Hong Kong', 'hk.gif', 4, 1, 'HK', 'HKG', 344, 'HKD', 105, 0),
(31, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Hongrie', 'Hungary', 'hu.gif', 3, 1, 'HU', 'HUN', 348, 'HUF', 106, 0),
(32, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Inde', 'India', 'in.gif', 4, 1, 'IN', 'IND', 356, 'INR', 107, 0),
(33, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Indonésie', 'Indonesia', 'id.gif', 4, 1, 'ID', 'IDN', 360, 'IDR', 108, 0),
(34, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Irlande', 'Ireland', 'ie.gif', 3, 1, 'IE', 'IRL', 372, 'EUR', 111, 0),
(35, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Isra', 'Israel', 'il.gif', 4, 1, 'IL', 'ISR', 376, 'ILS', 113, 0),
(36, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Italie', 'Italy', 'it.gif', 3, 1, 'IT', 'ITA', 380, 'EUR', 114, 0),
(37, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Japon', 'Japan', 'jp.gif', 4, 1, 'JP', 'JPN', 392, 'JPY', 116, 0),
(38, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Jordanie', 'Jordan', 'jo.gif', 4, 1, 'JO', 'JOR', 400, 'JOD', 117, 0),
(39, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Liban', 'Lebanon', 'lb.gif', 4, 1, 'LB', 'LBN', 422, 'USD', 126, 0),
(40, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Malaisie', 'Malaysia', 'my.gif', 4, 1, 'MY', 'MYS', 458, 'MYR', 135, 0),
(41, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Maroc', 'Morocco', 'ma.gif', 4, 1, 'MA', 'MAR', 504, 'MAD', 141, 0),
(42, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Mexique', 'Mexico', 'mx.gif', 4, 1, 'MX', 'MEX', 484, 'MXN', 145, 0),
(43, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Norvége', 'Norway - Bouvet Island', 'bv.gif', 4, 1, 'BV', 'BVT', 74, 'NOK', 160, 0),
(44, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Nouvelle-Zélande', 'New Zealand', 'nz.gif', 4, 1, 'NZ', 'NZL', 554, 'NZD', 164, 0),
(45, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Pérou', 'Peru', 'pe.gif', 4, 1, 'PE', 'PER', 604, 'PEN', 175, 0),
(46, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Pakistan', 'Pakistan', 'pk.gif', 4, 1, 'PK', 'PAK', 586, 'PKR', 169, 0),
(47, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Pays-Bas', 'Netherlands', 'nl.gif', 3, 1, 'NL', 'NLD', 528, 'EUR', 174, 0),
(48, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Philippines', 'Philippines', 'ph.gif', 4, 1, 'PH', 'PHL', 608, 'PHP', 176, 0),
(49, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Pologne', 'Poland', 'pl.gif', 3, 1, 'PL', 'POL', 616, 'PLN', 178, 0),
(50, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Porto Rico', 'Puerto Rico', 'pr.gif', 4, 1, 'PR', 'PRI', 630, 'USD', 179, 0),
(51, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Portugal', 'Portugal', 'pt.gif', 3, 1, 'PT', 'PRT', 620, 'EUR', 180, 0),
(52, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Tchèque (Rep.)', 'Czech (Rep.)', 'cz.gif', 3, 1, 'CZ', 'CZE', 203, 'CZK', 213, 0),
(53, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Roumanie', 'Romania', 'ro.gif', 3, 1, 'RO', 'ROU', 642, 'ROL', 182, 0),
(54, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Royaume-Uni (UK)', 'United Kingdom (UK)', 'gb.gif', 3, 1, 'GB', 'GBR', 826, 'GBP', 183, 0),
(55, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Russie', 'Russia', 'ru.gif', 4, 1, 'RU', 'RUS', 643, 'RUB', 184, 0),
(56, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Singapour', 'Singapore', 'sg.gif', 4, 1, 'SG', 'SGP', 702, 'SGD', 198, 0),
(57, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Suède', 'Sweden', 'se.gif', 3, 1, 'SE', 'SWE', 752, 'SEK', 204, 0),
(58, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Suisse', 'Switzerland', 'ch.gif', 4, 1, 'CH', 'CHE', 756, 'CHF', 205, 0),
(59, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Taiwan', 'Taiwan', 'tw.gif', 4, 1, 'TW', 'TWN', 158, 'TWD', 210, 0),
(60, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Thailande', 'Thailand', 'th.gif', 4, 1, 'TH', 'THA', 764, 'THB', 215, 0),
(61, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Turquie', 'Turkey', 'tr.gif', 4, 1, 'TR', 'TUR', 792, 'TRL', 223, 0),
(62, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Ukraine', 'Ukraine', 'ua.gif', 4, 1, 'UA', 'UKR', 804, 'UAH', 225, 0),
(63, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Venezuela', 'Venezuela', 've.gif', 4, 1, 'VE', 'VEN', 862, 'VEB', 229, 0),
(64, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Serbie', 'Serbia', 'yu.gif', 4, 1, 'RS', 'SRB', 688, 'CSD', 234, 0),
(65, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Samoa', 'Samoa', 'ws.gif', 4, 1, 'WS', 'WSM', 882, 'WST', 192, 0),
(66, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Andorre', 'Andorra', 'ad.gif', 4, 1, 'AD', 'AND', 20, 'EUR', 6, 0),
(67, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Angola', 'Angola', 'ao.gif', 4, 1, 'AO', 'AGO', 24, 'AON', 7, 0),
(68, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Anguilla', 'Anguilla', 'ai.gif', 4, 1, 'AI', 'AIA', 660, 'XCD', 8, 0),
(69, 6, 'en', '', '', 'Antarctique', 'Antarctica', 'aq.gif', 4, 1, 'AQ', 'ATA', 10, 'USD', 9, 0),
(70, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Antigua et Barbuda', 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'ag.gif', 4, 1, 'AG', 'ATG', 28, 'XCD', 10, 0),
(71, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Arménie', 'Armenia', 'am.gif', 4, 1, 'AM', 'ARM', 51, 'AMD', 14, 0),
(72, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Aruba', 'Aruba', 'aw.gif', 4, 1, 'AW', 'ABW', 533, 'AWG', 15, 0),
(73, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Azerbaidjan', 'Azerbaijan', 'az.gif', 4, 1, 'AZ', 'AZE', 31, 'AZM', 22, 0),
(74, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Bahamas', 'Bahamas, The', 'bs.gif', 4, 1, 'BS', 'BHS', 44, 'BSD', 23, 0),
(75, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Bahrein', 'Bahrain', 'bh.gif', 4, 1, 'BH', 'BHR', 48, 'BHD', 24, 0),
(76, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Bangladesh', 'Bangladesh', 'bd.gif', 4, 1, 'BD', 'BGD', 50, 'BDT', 25, 0),
(77, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Biélorussie', 'Belarus', 'by.gif', 4, 1, 'BY', 'BLR', 112, 'BYR', 32, 0),
(78, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Belize', 'Belize', 'bz.gif', 4, 1, 'BZ', 'BLZ', 84, 'BZD', 28, 0),
(79, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Bénin', 'Benin', 'bj.gif', 4, 1, 'BJ', 'BEN', 204, 'XOF', 29, 0),
(80, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Bermudes (Les)', 'Bermuda', 'bm.gif', 4, 1, 'BM', 'BMU', 60, 'BMD', 30, 0),
(81, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Bhoutan', 'Bhutan', 'bt.gif', 4, 1, 'BT', 'BTN', 64, 'BTN', 31, 0),
(82, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Bolivie', 'Bolivia', 'bo.gif', 4, 1, 'BO', 'BOL', 68, 'BOB', 33, 0),
(83, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Bosnie-Herzégovine', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'ba.gif', 4, 1, 'BA', 'BIH', 70, 'BAK', 34, 0),
(84, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Botswana', 'Botswana', 'bw.gif', 4, 1, 'BW', 'BWA', 72, 'BWP', 35, 0),
(85, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Norvège - Bouvet (Ile)', 'Norway - Bouvet Island', 'bv.gif', 4, 1, 'BV', 'BVT', 74, 'NOK', 161, 0),
(86, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Terr. Brit. de l''Océan Indien - Diego Garcia', 'British Indian Ocean Territory - Diego Garcia', 'io.gif', 4, 1, 'IO', 'IOT', 86, 'GBP', 214, 0),
(87, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Vierges britanniques (Iles)', 'Virgin Islands, British (Tortola)', 'vg.gif', 4, 1, 'VG', 'VGB', 92, 'USD', 231, 0),
(88, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Brunei', 'Brunei', 'bn.gif', 4, 1, 'BN', 'BRN', 96, 'BND', 37, 0),
(89, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Burkina Faso', 'Burkina Faso', 'bf.gif', 4, 1, 'BF', 'BFA', 854, 'XOF', 39, 0),
(90, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Burundi', 'Burundi', 'bi.gif', 4, 1, 'BI', 'BDI', 108, 'BIF', 40, 0),
(91, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Cambodge', 'Cambodia', 'kh.gif', 4, 1, 'KH', 'KHM', 116, 'KHR', 41, 0),
(92, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Cameroun', 'Cameroon', 'cm.gif', 4, 1, 'CM', 'CMR', 120, 'XAF', 42, 0),
(93, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Cap Vert', 'Cape Verde', 'cv.gif', 4, 1, 'CV', 'CPV', 132, 'CVE', 44, 0),
(94, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Cayman (Iles)', 'Cayman (Islands)', 'ky.gif', 4, 1, 'KY', 'CYM', 136, 'KYD', 45, 0),
(95, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Centrafricaine (Rep.)', 'Central African Republic', 'cf.gif', 4, 1, 'CF', 'CAF', 140, 'XAF', 46, 0),
(96, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Tchad', 'Chad', 'td.gif', 4, 1, 'TD', 'TCD', 148, 'XAF', 212, 0),
(97, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Australie - Christmas (Ile)', 'Australia - Christmas Island', 'cx.gif', 4, 1, 'CX', 'CXR', 162, 'AUD', 17, 0),
(98, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Australie - Cocos (Keeling) (Iles)', 'Australia - Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'cc.gif', 4, 1, 'CC', 'CCK', 166, 'AUD', 18, 0),
(99, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Comores', 'Comoros', 'km.gif', 4, 1, 'KM', 'COM', 174, 'KMF', 51, 0),
(100, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Congo', 'Congo', 'cg.gif', 4, 1, 'CG', 'COG', 178, 'XAF', 52, 0),
(101, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Cook (Iles)', 'Cook Islands', 'ck.gif', 4, 1, 'CK', 'COK', 184, 'NZD', 54, 0),
(102, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Cuba', 'Cuba', 'cu.gif', 4, 1, 'CU', 'CUB', 192, 'CUP', 60, 0),
(103, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Chypre', 'Cyprus', 'cy.gif', 3, 1, 'CY', 'CYP', 196, 'EUR', 49, 0),
(104, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Djibouti', 'Djibouti', 'dj.gif', 4, 1, 'DJ', 'DJI', 262, 'DJF', 62, 0),
(105, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Dominique', 'Dominica', 'dm.gif', 4, 1, 'DM', 'DMA', 212, 'XCD', 64, 0),
(106, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Dominicaine (Rep.)', 'Dominican (Republic)', 'do.gif', 4, 1, 'DO', 'DOM', 214, 'DOP', 63, 0),
(107, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Timor oriental', 'East Timor - Leste', 'tp.gif', 4, 1, 'TL', 'TLS', 626, 'USD', 216, 0),
(108, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Guinée Equatoriale', 'Equatorial Guinea', 'gq.gif', 4, 1, 'GQ', 'GNQ', 226, 'XAF', 101, 0),
(109, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Erythr', 'Eritrea', 'er.gif', 4, 1, 'ER', 'ERI', 232, 'ERN', 69, 0),
(110, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Estonie', 'Estonia', 'ee.gif', 3, 1, 'EE', 'EST', 233, 'EEK', 71, 0),
(111, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Ethiopie', 'Ethiopia', 'et.gif', 4, 1, 'ET', 'ETH', 231, 'ETB', 74, 0),
(112, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Falkland (Iles Malouines)', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'fk.gif', 4, 1, 'FK', 'FLK', 238, 'FKP', 75, 0),
(113, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Féroé (Iles)', 'Faroe Islands', 'fo.gif', 4, 1, 'FO', 'FRO', 234, 'DKK', 76, 0),
(114, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Fidji (République des)', 'Fiji', 'fj.gif', 4, 1, 'FJ', 'FJI', 242, 'FJD', 77, 0),
(115, 2, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Guyane', 'France - Guiana', 'gf.gif', 2, 1, 'GF', 'GUF', 254, 'EUR', 81, 0),
(116, 5, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Polynésie', 'France - Polynesia', 'pf.gif', 2, 1, 'PF', 'PYF', 258, 'XPF', 84, 0),
(117, 6, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Terres australes', 'France - Southern Territories', 'tf.gif', 2, 1, 'TF', 'ATF', 260, 'EUR', 87, 0),
(118, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Gabon', 'Gabon', 'ga.gif', 4, 1, 'GA', 'GAB', 266, 'XAF', 89, 0),
(119, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Gambie', 'Gambia', 'gm.gif', 4, 1, 'GM', 'GMB', 270, 'GMD', 90, 0),
(120, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Géorgie', 'Georgia', 'ge.gif', 4, 1, 'GE', 'GEO', 268, 'GEL', 91, 0),
(121, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Ghana', 'Ghana', 'gh.gif', 4, 1, 'GH', 'GHA', 288, 'GHC', 93, 0),
(122, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Gibraltar', 'Gibraltar', 'gi.gif', 4, 1, 'GI', 'GIB', 292, 'GIP', 94, 0),
(123, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Groenland', 'Greenland', 'gl.gif', 4, 1, 'GL', 'GRL', 304, 'DKK', 97, 0),
(124, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Grenade', 'Grenada', 'gd.gif', 4, 1, 'GD', 'GRD', 308, 'XCD', 96, 0),
(125, 2, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Guadeloupe', 'France - Guadeloupe', 'gp.gif', 2, 1, 'GP', 'GLP', 312, 'EUR', 80, 0),
(126, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Guam', 'Guam', 'gu.gif', 4, 1, 'GU', 'GUM', 316, 'USD', 98, 0),
(127, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Guatemala', 'Guatemala', 'gt.gif', 4, 1, 'GT', 'GTM', 320, 'GTQ', 99, 0),
(128, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Guin', 'Guinea', 'gn.gif', 4, 1, 'GN', 'GIN', 324, 'USD', 100, 0),
(129, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Guinée-Bissau', 'Guinea-Bissau', 'gw.gif', 4, 1, 'GW', 'GNB', 624, 'XOF', 102, 0),
(131, 2, 'fr', '', '', 'Haiti', 'Haiti', 'ht.gif', 4, 1, 'HT', 'HTI', 332, 'HTG', 103, 0),
(132, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Australie - Heard et McDonald (Iles)', 'Australia - Heard and McDonald (Islands)', 'hm.gif', 4, 1, 'HM', 'HMD', 334, 'AUD', 19, 0),
(133, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Honduras', 'Honduras', 'hn.gif', 4, 1, 'HN', 'HND', 340, 'HNL', 104, 0),
(134, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Islande', 'Iceland', 'is.gif', 4, 1, 'IS', 'ISL', 352, 'ISK', 112, 0),
(135, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Iran', 'Iran (Islamic Rep. of)', 'ir.gif', 4, 1, 'IR', 'IRN', 364, 'IRR', 110, 0),
(136, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Irak', 'Iraq', 'iq.gif', 4, 1, 'IQ', 'IRQ', 368, 'IQD', 109, 0),
(137, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Cote d''Ivoire', 'Ivory Coast', 'ci.gif', 4, 1, 'CI', 'CIV', 384, 'XOF', 58, 0),
(138, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Jamaique', 'Jamaica', 'jm.gif', 4, 1, 'JM', 'JAM', 388, 'JMD', 115, 0),
(139, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Kazakhstan', 'Kazakhstan', 'kz.gif', 4, 1, 'KZ', 'KAZ', 398, 'KZT', 118, 0),
(140, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Kenya', 'Kenya', 'ke.gif', 4, 1, 'KE', 'KEN', 404, 'KES', 119, 0),
(141, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Kiribati', 'Kiribati', 'ki.gif', 4, 1, 'KI', 'KIR', 296, 'AUD', 121, 0),
(142, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Corée (Rep. de) (Sud)', 'Korea (Republic of) (South)', 'kr.gif', 4, 1, 'KR', 'KOR', 410, 'KRW', 55, 0),
(143, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Koweit', 'Kuwait', 'kw.gif', 4, 1, 'KW', 'KWT', 414, 'KWD', 122, 0),
(144, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Kirghizistan', 'Kyrgyzstan', 'kg.gif', 4, 1, 'KG', 'KGZ', 417, 'KGS', 120, 0),
(145, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Laos', 'Laos (People''s Democratic Rep. of)', 'la.gif', 4, 1, 'LA', 'LAO', 418, 'LAK', 123, 0),
(146, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Lettonie', 'Latvia', 'lv.gif', 3, 1, 'LV', 'LVA', 428, 'LVL', 125, 0),
(147, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Lesotho', 'Lesotho', 'ls.gif', 4, 1, 'LS', 'LSO', 426, 'LSL', 124, 0),
(148, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Libéria', 'Liberia', 'lr.gif', 4, 1, 'LR', 'LBR', 430, 'LRD', 127, 0),
(149, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Libye', 'Libya (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)', 'ly.gif', 4, 1, 'LY', 'LBY', 434, 'LYD', 128, 0),
(150, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Liechtenstein', 'Liechtenstein', 'li.gif', 4, 1, 'LI', 'LIE', 438, 'CHF', 129, 0),
(151, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Lituanie', 'Lithuania', 'lt.gif', 3, 1, 'LT', 'LTU', 440, 'LTL', 130, 0),
(152, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Luxembourg', 'Luxembourg', 'lu.gif', 3, 1, 'LU', 'LUX', 442, 'EUR', 131, 0),
(153, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Macao', 'Macau', 'mo.gif', 4, 1, 'MO', 'MAC', 446, 'MOP', 132, 0),
(154, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Macédoine', 'Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.)', 'mk.gif', 4, 1, 'MK', 'MKD', 807, 'EUR', 133, 0),
(155, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Madagascar', 'Madagascar', 'mg.gif', 4, 1, 'MG', 'MDG', 450, 'MGF', 134, 0),
(156, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Malawi', 'Malawi', 'mw.gif', 4, 1, 'MW', 'MWI', 454, 'MWK', 136, 0),
(157, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Maldives (Iles)', 'Maldives (Islands)', 'mv.gif', 4, 1, 'MV', 'MDV', 462, 'MVR', 137, 0),
(158, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Mali', 'Mali', 'ml.gif', 4, 1, 'ML', 'MLI', 466, 'XOF', 138, 0),
(159, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Malte', 'Malta', 'mt.gif', 3, 1, 'MT', 'MLT', 470, 'EUR', 139, 0),
(160, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Marshall (Iles)', 'Marshall Islands', 'mh.gif', 4, 1, 'MH', 'MHL', 584, 'USD', 142, 0),
(161, 2, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Martinique', 'France - Martinique', 'mq.gif', 2, 1, 'MQ', 'MTQ', 474, 'EUR', 82, 0),
(162, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Mauritanie', 'Mauritania', 'mr.gif', 4, 1, 'MR', 'MRT', 478, 'MRO', 144, 0),
(163, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Maurice', 'Mauritius (Island)', 'mu.gif', 4, 1, 'MU', 'MUS', 480, 'MUR', 143, 0),
(164, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Mayotte', 'France - Mayotte', 'yt.gif', 2, 1, 'YT', 'MYT', 175, 'EUR', 83, 0),
(165, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Micronésie (Etats fédérés de)', 'Micronesia', 'fm.gif', 4, 1, 'FM', 'FSM', 583, 'USD', 146, 0),
(166, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Moldavie', 'Moldova', 'md.gif', 4, 1, 'MD', 'MDA', 498, 'MDL', 147, 0),
(167, 4, 'fr', '', '', 'Monaco', 'Monaco', 'mc.gif', 4, 1, 'MC', 'MCO', 492, 'EUR', 148, 0),
(168, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Mongolie', 'Mongolia', 'mn.gif', 4, 1, 'MN', 'MNG', 496, 'MNT', 149, 0),
(169, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Montserrat', 'Montserrat', 'ms.gif', 4, 1, 'MS', 'MSR', 500, 'XCD', 150, 0),
(170, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Mozambique', 'Mozambique', 'mz.gif', 4, 1, 'MZ', 'MOZ', 508, 'MZM', 151, 0),
(171, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Myanmar', 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'mm.gif', 4, 1, 'MM', 'MMR', 104, 'MMK', 152, 0),
(172, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Namibie', 'Namibia', 'na.gif', 4, 1, 'NA', 'NAM', 516, 'NAD', 153, 0),
(173, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Nauru', 'Nauru', 'nr.gif', 4, 1, 'NR', 'NRU', 520, 'AUD', 154, 0),
(174, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Nepal', 'Nepal', 'np.gif', 4, 1, 'NP', 'NPL', 524, 'NPR', 155, 0),
(176, 5, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Nouvelle Calédonie', 'France - New Caledonia', 'nc.gif', 2, 1, 'NC', 'NCL', 540, 'XPF', 163, 0),
(177, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Nicaragua', 'Nicaragua', 'ni.gif', 4, 1, 'NI', 'NIC', 558, 'NIO', 156, 0),
(178, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Niger', 'Niger', 'ne.gif', 4, 1, 'NE', 'NER', 562, 'XOF', 157, 0),
(179, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Nigeria', 'Nigeria', 'ng.gif', 4, 1, 'NG', 'NGA', 566, 'NGN', 158, 0),
(180, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Niue', 'Niue', 'nu.gif', 4, 1, 'NU', 'NIU', 570, 'NZD', 159, 0),
(181, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Australie - Norfolk (Ile)', 'Australia - Norfolk Island', 'nf.gif', 4, 1, 'NF', 'NFK', 574, 'AUD', 20, 0),
(182, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Mariannes du Nord (Iles)', 'Northern Marianas (Islands)', 'mp.gif', 4, 1, 'MP', 'MNP', 580, 'USD', 140, 0),
(183, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Oman', 'Oman', 'om.gif', 4, 1, 'OM', 'OMN', 512, 'OMR', 166, 0),
(184, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Palau', 'Palau', 'pw.gif', 4, 1, 'PW', 'PLW', 585, 'USD', 170, 0),
(185, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Panama', 'Panama', 'pa.gif', 4, 1, 'PA', 'PAN', 591, 'PAB', 171, 0),
(186, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée', 'Papua New Guinea', 'pg.gif', 4, 1, 'PG', 'PNG', 598, 'PGK', 172, 0),
(187, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Paraguay', 'Paraguay', 'py.gif', 4, 1, 'PY', 'PRY', 600, 'PYG', 173, 0),
(188, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Pitcairn (Iles)', 'Pitcairn Islands', 'pn.gif', 4, 1, 'PN', 'PCN', 612, 'NZD', 177, 0),
(189, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Qatar', 'Qatar', 'qa.gif', 4, 1, 'QA', 'QAT', 634, 'QAR', 181, 0),
(190, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Réunion', 'France - Réunion', 're.gif', 2, 1, 'RE', 'REU', 638, 'EUR', 85, 0),
(191, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Rwanda', 'Rwanda', 'rw.gif', 4, 1, 'RW', 'RWA', 646, 'RWF', 185, 0),
(192, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Géorgie du Sud et Sandwich du Sud (Iles)', 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'gs.gif', 4, 1, 'GS', 'SGS', 239, 'USD', 92, 0),
(193, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Saint-Kitts et Nevis', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'kn.gif', 4, 1, 'KN', 'KNA', 659, 'XCD', 187, 0),
(194, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Sainte Lucie', 'Saint Lucia', 'lc.gif', 4, 1, 'LC', 'LCA', 662, 'XCD', 191, 0),
(195, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Saint-Vincent-et-Grenadines', 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'vc.gif', 4, 1, 'VC', 'VCT', 670, 'XCD', 189, 0),
(196, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Samoa', 'Samoa', 'ws.gif', 4, 1, 'WS', 'WSM', 882, 'WST', 193, 0),
(197, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Saint-Marin (Rép. de)', 'San Marino', 'sm.gif', 4, 1, 'SM', 'SMR', 674, 'EUR', 188, 0),
(198, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Sao Tome et Principe (Rép.)', 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'st.gif', 4, 1, 'ST', 'STP', 678, 'STD', 194, 0),
(199, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Sénégal', 'Senegal', 'sn.gif', 4, 1, 'SN', 'SEN', 686, 'XOF', 195, 0),
(200, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Seychelles', 'Seychelles (Islands)', 'sc.gif', 4, 1, 'SC', 'SYC', 690, 'SCR', 196, 0),
(201, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Sierra Leone', 'Sierra Leone', 'sl.gif', 4, 1, 'SL', 'SLE', 694, 'SLL', 197, 0),
(202, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Slovaquie', 'Slovakia (Republic)', 'sk.gif', 3, 1, 'SK', 'SVK', 703, 'SKK', 199, 0),
(203, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Slovénie', 'Slovenia', 'si.gif', 3, 1, 'SI', 'SVN', 705, 'EUR', 200, 0),
(204, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Somalie', 'Somalia', 'so.gif', 4, 1, 'SO', 'SOM', 706, 'SOS', 201, 0),
(205, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Sri Lanka', 'Sri Lanka', 'lk.gif', 4, 1, 'LK', 'LKA', 144, 'LKR', 203, 0),
(206, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Sainte Hélène', 'Saint Helena', 'sh.gif', 4, 1, 'SH', 'SHN', 654, 'SHP', 190, 0),
(207, 2, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon', 'France - Saint-Pierre and Miquelon', 'pm.gif', 2, 1, 'PM', 'SPM', 666, 'EUR', 86, 0),
(208, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Soudan', 'Sudan', 'sd.gif', 4, 1, 'SD', 'SDN', 736, 'SDD', 202, 0),
(209, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Suriname', 'Suriname', 'sr.gif', 4, 1, 'SR', 'SUR', 740, 'SRG', 206, 0),
(210, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Norvège - Svalbard et Jan Mayen (Iles)', 'Norway - Svalbard and Jan Mayen', 'sj.gif', 4, 1, 'SJ', 'SJM', 744, 'NOK', 162, 0),
(211, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Swaziland', 'Swaziland', 'sz.gif', 4, 1, 'SZ', 'SWZ', 748, 'SZL', 207, 0),
(212, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Syrie', 'Syria', 'sy.gif', 4, 1, 'SY', 'SYR', 760, 'SYP', 208, 0),
(213, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Tadjikistan', 'Tajikistan (Republic of)', 'tj.gif', 4, 1, 'TJ', 'TJK', 762, 'TJS', 209, 0),
(214, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Tanzanie', 'Tanzania', 'tz.gif', 4, 1, 'TZ', 'TZA', 834, 'TZS', 211, 0),
(215, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Togo', 'Togo', 'tg.gif', 4, 1, 'TG', 'TGO', 768, 'XOF', 217, 0),
(216, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Nouvelle-Zélande - Tokelau', 'New Zealand - Tokelau', 'tk.gif', 4, 1, 'TK', 'TKL', 772, 'NZD', 165, 0),
(217, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Tonga', 'Tonga', 'to.gif', 4, 1, 'TO', 'TON', 776, 'TOP', 218, 0),
(218, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Trinité et Tobago', 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'tt.gif', 4, 1, 'TT', 'TTO', 780, 'TTD', 219, 0),
(219, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Tunisie', 'Tunisia', 'tn.gif', 4, 1, 'TN', 'TUN', 788, 'TND', 220, 0),
(220, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Turkménistan', 'Turkmenistan', 'tm.gif', 4, 1, 'TM', 'TKM', 795, 'TMM', 221, 0),
(221, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Turks et Caïques (Iles)', 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'tc.gif', 4, 1, 'TC', 'TCA', 796, 'USD', 222, 0),
(222, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Tuvalu', 'Tuvalu', 'tv.gif', 4, 1, 'TV', 'TUV', 798, 'AUD', 224, 0),
(223, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Etats-Unis : Iles mineures éloignées', 'USA: Minor Outlying Islands', 'um.gif', 4, 1, 'UM', 'UMI', 581, 'USD', 73, 0),
(224, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Ouganda', 'Uganda', 'ug.gif', 4, 1, 'UG', 'UGA', 800, 'UGX', 167, 0),
(225, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Uruguay', 'Uruguay', 'uy.gif', 4, 1, 'UY', 'URY', 858, 'UYU', 226, 0),
(226, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Ouzbékistan', 'Uzbekistan', 'uz.gif', 4, 1, 'UZ', 'UZB', 860, 'UZS', 168, 0),
(227, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Vanuatu', 'Vanuatu', 'vu.gif', 4, 1, 'VU', 'VUT', 548, 'VUV', 227, 0),
(228, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Vatican (Etat du)', 'Vatican', 'va.gif', 4, 1, 'VA', 'VAT', 336, 'EUR', 228, 0),
(229, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Vietnam', 'Vietnam', 'vn.gif', 4, 1, 'VN', 'VNM', 704, 'VND', 232, 0),
(230, 5, 'en', '', '', 'Vierges Américaines (Iles)', 'Virgin Islands (USA)', 'vi.gif', 4, 1, 'VI', 'VIR', 850, 'USD', 230, 0),
(231, 5, 'fr', '', '', 'France - Wallis et Futuna', 'France - Wallis and Futuna', 'wf.gif', 2, 1, 'WF', 'WLF', 876, 'XPF', 88, 0),
(232, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Sahara Occidental', 'Western Sahara', 'eh.gif', 4, 1, 'EH', 'ESH', 732, 'MAD', 186, 0),
(233, 3, 'en', '', '', 'Yemen', 'Yemen (Rep. of)', 'ye.gif', 4, 1, 'YE', 'YEM', 887, 'YER', 233, 0),
(234, 1, 'fr', '', '', 'Congo Zaïre (Rep. Dem.)', 'Congo Zaire (Dem. Rep.)', 'cd.gif', 4, 1, 'CD', 'COD', 180, 'XAF', 53, 0),
(235, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Zambie', 'Zambia', 'zm.gif', 4, 1, 'ZM', 'ZMB', 894, 'ZMK', 235, 0),
(236, 1, 'en', '', '', 'Zimbabwe', 'Zimbabwe', 'zw.gif', 4, 1, 'ZW', 'ZWE', 716, 'ZWD', 236, 0),
(237, 2, 'en', '', '', 'Barbade', 'Barbados', 'bb.gif', 4, 1, 'BB', 'BRB', 52, 'BBD', 26, 0),
(238, 4, 'en', '', '', 'Monténégro', 'Montenegro', 'yu.gif', 4, 1, 'ME', 'MNE', 499, 'CSD', 234, 0);

Ajout de continent_id sur une table existante :
- créer la colonne
- copier via phpmyadmin ou créer la table contenant cette info dans une table peel_pays_temp
simplement noter le lieu où on peut la trouver : par exemple : peel_mysql.peel_pays
- faire un update avec jointure pour récupérer les infos :
UPDATE mabdd.peel_pays, peel_mysql.peel_pays SET mabdd.peel_pays.continent_id=peel_mysql.peel_pays.continent_id WHERE mabdd.peel_pays.id=peel_mysql.peel_pays.id
- c'est fini => si on a utilisé une bdd temp, alors la supprimer

OU :

comme les id des pays n'ont pas changé, vu qu'on rajoute continent_id, c'est que l'utilisateur veut peut-être diverses MAJ et auquel cas ça peut justifier de remplacer complètement la table => faire le remplacement de la talbe par la nouvelle - ATTENTION aux zone_id

-- Structure de la table `peel_access_map`

CREATE TABLE `peel_access_map` (
`date_insere` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`date_maj` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

-- Contenu de la table `peel_access_map`

INSERT INTO `peel_access_map` (`id`,`text_fr`,`text_en`,`map_tag`,`date_insere`,`date_maj`) VALUES
(1,"Plan d'accès google maps","Plan of access google maps","Insérez votre tag google map",'','');

CREATE TABLE `peel_save_cart` (
`sc_timestamp` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`id_utilisateur` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`produit_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`nom_produit` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`quantite` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`couleur` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`taille` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`couleur_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`taille_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`nom_attribut` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`id_attribut` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
KEY `id_utilisateur` (`id_utilisateur`),
KEY `produit_id` (`produit_id`)


ALTER TABLE `peel_produits` ADD `on_estimate` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', ADD `on_gift` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', ADD `on_gift_points` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', ADD `extra_link` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_avis` ADD `lang` char(2) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_attributs` ADD `position` int(11) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_nom_attributs` ADD `texte_libre` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_rubriques` ADD `texte_libre` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_categories` ADD `on_carrousel` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `nb_last_views` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `secret_word` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', ADD `type_affichage_attribut` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', ADD `fb_admins` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', ADD `facebook_page_link` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_banniere` ADD `tag_html` mediumtext NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes_articles` ADD `id` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `statut` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `category_count_method` varchar( 10 ) NOT NULL default 'individual';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `partner_count_method` varchar( 10 ) NOT NULL default 'individual';

INSERT INTO `peel_devises` (`devise`, `conversion`, `symbole`, `symbole_place`, `code`, `etat`) VALUES
('CH Fr. Suisse', 1.41987, 'Fr', 1, 'CHF', 0),
('US Dollar', 1.21553, '$', 0, 'USD', 0),
('CA Dollar', 1.27708, '$', 0, 'CAD', 0),
('JP Yen', 110.56900, '¥', 1, 'JPY', 0),
('GB Pound', 0.83554, '£', 1, 'GBP', 0);

INSERT INTO peel_html (lang, contenu_html, etat, titre, o_timestamp, a_timestamp, emplacement) VALUES
('fr', '<p>Introduction personnalisable</p>', 0, 'Devenir revendeur', '2010-11-01 12:00:00', '2010-11-01 12:00:00', 'devenir_revendeur'),
('en', '<div class="header_few_words_center">[sITE]</div>\r\n<div class="header_few_words_right">Open eCommerce</div>', 1, 'En-tête de la boutique', '2010-11-01 12:00:00', '2010-11-01 12:00:00', 'header');

INSERT INTO `peel_email_template` (`name`, `subject`, `text`, `lang`, `active`, `id_cat`, `technical_code`) VALUES
('[sITE] Commande n° [ORDER_ID] - Annulation des points', '[sITE] Commande n° [ORDER_ID] - Annulation des points', 'Bonjour [uSER_NAME],\r\n\r\nUnder the loyalty program of [sITE] and because of the change in status of your order number [ORDER_ID], [CANCELED_POINTS] points allocated to this command have been withdrawn from your account. \r\n Your balance is now: [uSER_POINTS] points. \r\n\r\n We thank you for your trust. \r\n\r\n see you soon on [sITE].', 'fr', 'TRUE', 1, 'payback_points_cancellation'),
('[sITE] Commande n° [ORDER_ID] - Points cancellation', '[sITE] Commande n° [ORDER_ID] - Points cancellation', 'Bonjour [uSER_NAME],\r\n\r\nDans le cadre du programme de fidélité de [sITE] et en raison du changement de statut de votre commande numéro [ORDER_ID], [CANCELED_POINTS]points affectés à cette commande viennent d\'être retirés de votre compte.\r\nVotre solde est à présent de : [uSER_POINTS]points.\r\n\r\nNous vous remercions pour votre confiance.\r\n\r\nÀ bientôt sur [sITE].', 'en', 'TRUE', 1, 'payback_points_cancellation'),
('[sITE] Commande n° [ORDER_ID] - Remise des points', '[sITE] Commande n° [ORDER_ID] - Remise des points', 'Bonjour [uSER_NAME],\r\n\r\nDans le cadre du programme de fidélité de [sITE] et en raison du changement de statut de votre commande numéro [ORDER_ID], [CANCELED_POINTS]points affectés à cette commande viennent d\'être ajouté à votre compte.\r\nVotre solde est à présent de : [uSER_POINTS]points.\r\n\r\nNous vous remercions pour votre confiance.\r\n\r\nÀ bientôt sur [sITE].', 'fr', 'TRUE', 1, 'payback_points_resetting'),
('[sITE] Commnde n° [ORDER_ID] - Discount points', '[sITE] Commande n° [ORDER_ID] - Discount points', 'Bonjour [uSER_NAME],\r\n\r\nUnder the loyalty program of [sITE] and because of the change in status of your order number [ORDER_ID], [CANCELED_POINTS] points allocated to this command have been added from your account. \r\n Your balance is now: [uSER_POINTS] points. \r\n\r\n We thank you for your trust. \r\n\r\n see you soon on [sITE]..', 'en', 'TRUE', 1, 'payback_points_resetting');


ALTER TABLE `peel_codes_promos` DROP `nb_valide`;
ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes` DROP `code_cheque`, DROP `code_bon`, DROP `valeur_cheque_cadeau`;


ALTER TABLE `peel_utilisateurs` ADD `origin` INT( 11 ) NULL default '0', ADD `origin_other` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL default '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `module_autosend` tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL default '0', ADD `module_autosend_delay` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `minimal_amout_to_order` FLOAT( 15, 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000' AFTER `small_order_overcost_tva_percent`;
ALTER TABLE peel_utilisateurs CHANGE `avoir` `avoir` float(15,5) NOT NULL default '0.00000';
ALTER TABLE peel_commandes CHANGE `numero` `numero` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes` ADD `tva_small_order_overcost` FLOAT( 15, 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000' AFTER `small_order_overcost_amount`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `peel_butterflive` (
`param` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`value` text NOT NULL default '',
ALTER TABLE `peel_sites` ADD `nom_expediteur` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `email_client`;
ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes` ADD `delivery_locationid` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `delivery_tracking`;
ALTER TABLE `peel_codes_promos` DROP `nb_valide`;
ALTER TABLE `peel_commandes` DROP `code_cheque`, DROP `code_bon`, DROP `valeur_cheque_cadeau`;
DELETE FROM `peel_email_template` WHERE `technical_code` = 'initialise_mot_passe';
INSERT INTO `peel_email_template` (`name`, `subject`, `text`, `lang`, `active`, `id_cat`, `technical_code`) VALUES
('Nouveau mot de passe de votre compte client', 'Nouveau mot de passe de votre compte client', 'Bonjour,\r\n\r\nUne demande de nouveau mot de passe sur le site [sITE] a été initialisé.\r\n\r\nPour confirmer votre demande de renouvellement de mot de passe, vous devez cliquer sur le lien suivant : [LINK]\r\nVous disposez de 24h après la demande de renouvellement pour effectuer cette opération. Passé ce délai, le lien ne sera plus valide.\r\n\r\nCet email a été envoyé automatiquement, merci de ne pas répondre à ce message.\r\n', 'fr', 'TRUE', 1, 'initialise_mot_passe'),
('Nouveau mot de passe de votre compte client', 'New password for your customer account', 'Hello,\r\n\r\nA request of a new password on the site [sITE] has been initiated.\r\n\r\nTo confirm your password renewal application, you must click the following link: [LINK]\r\nYou have 24 hours after the renewal application to perform this operation. Afterwards, the link will no longer be valid.\r\nThis email was sent automatically, thank you not to reply to this message.\r\n', 'en', 'TRUE', 1, 'initialise_mot_passe'),

* Si vous avez une version 6.0.x inférieure à 6.0.4, vous pouvez procéder comme ci-dessus mais vous devez exécuter également le SQL qui concerne vos version, consultable dans le sujet :

* Si vous avez une version 5.x vous devez suivre les tutoriaux de mise à jour successives :
[Tutorial] Migration de PEEL Shopping 5.0 vers 5.6 : http://forum.peel.fr...EL-S-t3376.html
[Tutorial] Migration de PEEL Shopping 5.6 vers 5.7 : http://forum.peel.fr...EL-S-t3505.html
[Tutorial] Migration de PEEL Shopping 5.7 vers 6.0 : http://forum.peel.fr...EL-S-t3670.html

* Si vous avez une version <= 4.x : vous ne pouvez pas facilement migrer votre site, il faut nous contacter au 01 75 43 67 97 pour faire un état des lieux de votre version
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