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Inbound Marketing for Architects: 5 Strategies to Attract Customers and Sell More

We've already talked here on the blog about the importance of professionals in the field of architecture investing in digital marketing. And, in this post, we'll talk about how essential it is that you also invest in inbound marketing for architects.

There are those who believe that these concepts are synonymous, but they are not. Digital marketing is the way your company carries out marketing in online media, while inbound marketing is an approach that is opposed to outbound marketing, or traditional marketing.

Source: LAHAR Blog


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The outbound marketing (whether online or offline) is the most classic form we know to publicize companies, products and services. It is that marketing that has been around for a long time in advertisements in large media, such as newspapers, radio, magazines and TV, or through billboards, pamphlets or telemarketing.

Inbound marketing, on the other hand, is a strategy that was created due to the change in consumer behavior online: instead of receiving information from companies, products and services "passively", it is the user who goes after information about solutions for the their problems—and the companies that offer those solutions.

Thus, the forms of disclosure have also changed. Instead of bringing information about products and services to the public, companies are now seeking to attract their audience through their various channels, making the potential customer increasingly aware of their problem until they reach the stage of consuming the product. Or service.


The steps of inbound marketing for architects

Before knowing how to do inbound marketing for architects, it is important to understand how this methodology works. Inbound marketing is divided into several stages, according to the type of action. We can divide them like this:

  • Attract: Here, you need to attract your audience to your channels. You'll do this through your blog, your social media, and optimizing your website content for the keywords your prospects search for in search engines (Google).

  • Convert: In this step, you will seek to make your channel visitors become leads, that is, they leave your contacts so that you can start a relationship with them. You can do this through calls-to-action, forms and landing pages.

  • Close: It's time to turn your leads into customers. Among the tools you can use to attract your lead until the moment of purchase are cases of satisfied customers, Social CRM, email marketing, videos, etc.

  • Loyalty: your work does not end with the sale. You need to turn your customers into promoters of your brand. Do this by creating custom content for them: eBooks, surveys, and whatever else you detect that is of interest to your clientele.

Source: LAHAR Blog

5 Inbound Marketing Tips for Architects

Now that you understand how inbound marketing works, we'll give you some inbound marketing tips for architects.

One of the best ways to get to know your potential clients is to create your office personas or buyer personas, that is, characters that represent your ideal clients.

To create them, you must answer a series of questions about who you believe to be your ideal client, such as name, age, interests, needs, where you live, profile and other information that you consider important.

An interesting way to answer these questions is to interview real clients who meet that ideal client profile that you want to attract to your office. Below is an example of a persona:

Source: LAHAR Blog

2. Create attractive content

As mentioned above, the attraction stage is the one where you will bring the audience to your channels. And for that, you need to create content that's interesting to your personas (you'll find out their interests when you do the research we cited above).

Once you have those interests mapped, do keyword research on tools like Google's Keyword Planner to find high search volume keywords that relate to those interests.

The next step is to create the content. Write quality blog posts for your business based on these found keywords. 

 See the example of Viva Decor’s blog, which creates a lot of attractive content aimed at both architects and clients:

Source: Blog Viva Decorah

3. Educate your audience

Your content should be interesting to your personas, but it's important that it doesn't just talk about your company and your services: it also needs to play a role in educating your audience about your business (in this case, architecture).

For example: if one of your audience's problems is not knowing what kind of changes you want to make to your home, how about writing an article with renovation tips, showing trends in interior architecture? Or create a post with great architectural projects to serve as inspiration?

It is important that this educational content match’s quality with the keywords you researched previously, so that it has the potential to reach all those searching for a certain word or term related to your business.

Below is an example from the Architecture Projects blog:

Source: Architecture Projects Blog

4. be on social media where your audience is

It's not enough to create content; you need to share it on all your channels, including your social networks. And speaking of them, it is very important that you create accounts on the networks where your personas are.

Of course, this varies from company to company, but, in general, it is always good to invest in the most used social networks in Brazil, such as Facebook and Whastapp. On the other hand, segments such as architecture, which have a great visual appeal, can also benefit from social networks with the same focus: on Instagram and Interest , for example. It all depends on where your personas are.

In addition to promoting your blog's contentcreate your own content for social networks. For architecture offices, it can be interesting to assemble a visual portfolio, or share photos of completed projects.

Check out the Instagram example from the Fernanda Marques architecture firm:

5. Have conversion materials

Conversion materials are what you'll use to turn your blog and website visitors into leads. These are usually denser material than a blog post, and you'll provide them to your visitors in exchange for contacting them to start a relationship. This contact can be requested through forms and landing pages.

Among the types of conversion materials you can develop are:

  • catalogs

  • eBooks

  • info graphics

  • portfolios

  • webinars

Check out one of the materials Viva Decorah created for its personas (offered through a landing page to collect data from potential customers):
Viva Decorah

If you want to make your inbound marketing strategy for architects more effective, be sure to hire marketing automation software as well.

lahar is an inbound marketing software that helps you generate leads and turn them into customers. And you can focus your actions on a single tool, as the software offers functionality to manage social media, landing pages, marketing automation and more.

Source:  https://propertynews.pk/









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