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  • Date de naissance 12/12/1991

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How to get the best levels of concentration

No, learn to concentrate!

And how is it done? Let's look.

You can increase your concentration level in many ways. There are countless methods for "be on the question", as an improvement in food to create an adequate environment by passing through the exercises of all kinds. We present you one, meditation.

Although it seems that something is very far away that you really need, meditation from a few methods that have proven to improve in several aspects of your life. A few minutes per day, dedicated to this practice can provide you with all kinds of benefits. From strengthening the system of immunity to improve memory, to the emergence of new talents, more precisely, their disclosure, you can even try to write, if you get it, it is worth thinking. Obviously, passing by the increase in the level of concentration. Then we will teach you how to get it.

First of all, keep in mind that meditation "how God commands" is not achieved in one day after another, and there are about 3 weeks to start doing well and notice the first changes.

Anapanasati technique (for beginners)

Anapanasatite means breathing attention and this is a Buddhist method, which should be gradually fixed on how we breathe. The best way of practice is sitting on a chair with bare feet in contact with the ground. Maintaining hands and legs at right angles and centered column, without making efforts to maintain posture. If you want, you can also practice in positions like lotus or half of the lotus. It will be carried out with an interval of about 20 minutes once or twice a day to be, at the same time. The upcoming!

First week:

In order to start the best way to fix your mind in the stomach. You must give all your attention on how she goes up and down the way you breathe. Try not to be nervous and do not try to make your breath in any case, just watch. Then your goal is to not distract attention from this process. Then you will be able to project the same condition and when performing rafts, such as . For this, every time you finish the inspiration and exhalation "one, one" account, in space until the next respiratory cycle. After the next will be completed, calculates "two, two" and so on to ten. Every time your mind deviates from this process thinking about other things that you will need to start counting. Do not despair! The first days he stands a lot to get!

Second week:

As soon as you start the dominant method (it can take you more or less days, adapted to weeks before your progress), stop counting and will think "lifting up" every time the belly rises and "low, low" when it is disinfluences, As you go with confidence of breathing, it will be slower and gaps between breathing and breathing will be longer.

Third week:

When you have 20 minutes to the day of the world, he stops thinking and begins to look at all sensations you live during the process. You must get to the point that you and your breathing are a single object. This is later possible to write a story well or  /. You do not "breathe", as if you were two different things, you are generally. The body that feels cold, heat, vibration, tension, itching, etc. Palatinally expand your fan of sensations by detecting new ones.


When you master the previous steps, you can upload your practice at a higher level by setting a concentration at a specific point. It is more difficult and you will do you significantly increase the level of concentration. The fact is that where the air comes into contact with your body immediately before entering it. It is usually located somewhere between the upper lip and nostrils.

Restart the process from this point. The first count "one, one" until you can focus on it. Then, I think that "enters out" and "leaves, leaves" every time I inspired and exhales, and finally focus on sensations.

If you dominate this tactics you already have many roads performed in the meditation world. And if you still want to continue to improve, you can continue with the technique of attentiveness or full technique. And a few more useful resources for you:

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