Jessica Alexander

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À propos de Jessica Alexander

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  • Date de naissance 02/02/1990

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What's the difference between regular skin lotion and diabetic lotion?

Diabetes affects our bodies in multiple ways including destroying the skin cells. This leads to a weaker immune system and being prone to infections, dry patchy skin, and major skin ailments.

While regular skin lotions are designed to treat normal skin dryness, they cannot combat complex diabetic skin conditions. Diabetic lotions are dermatologically tested to improve diabetes side effects. These lotions have vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids that improve blood circulation and they penetrate 3-times a regular lotion does to prevent dehydration.

Read on to learn more about diabetes skin conditions and skincare…


Garner Supply is a US-based company providing durable medical products and healthcare essentials for home delivery. We also provide our valued customers with additional information on medical devices and how to use them efficiently to live their best lives.


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